Property Maintenance
The Property Maintenance Official is responsible for the identification of code violations, receives and investigates complaints regarding high weeds and grass, rubbish, abandoned vehicles, exterior building maintenance in accordance with the provisions of the International Property Maintenance Code, along with local and state codes. In addition, the Property Maintenance Official works with property owners to achieve compliance of complaints and code violations.
The Building Code Official is responsible for the inspection of dwellings and housing facilities to determine they are maintained in a safe and habitable condition in accordance with the provisions of the International Property Maintenance Code, along with local and state codes.
If you have a Property Maintenance Complaint, please download and complete the Property Maintenance Complaint Form in the document area below and return to the Town Hall.
Incomplete and/or unsigned Property Maintenance Complaint Form will not be investigated.
Property Maintenance Documents
Codification Committee
Dexter Harmon
Tyler Kilgore
Vice Mayor
Property Maintenance Resources/Links
Southwest Virginia Legal Aid Society
Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
Virginia Building and Code Officials Association (VBCOA)
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Virginia Department of Health (VDH) Virginia Lawyer Referral Service