Focusing on the upkeep and enforcement of codes, ordinances, and regulations related to property maintenance and safety.
Fostering economic growth and rejuvenating areas within the community by identifying opportunities, developing strategies and attracting investment.
Responsible for overseeing the financial planning, budgeting processes, and fiscal health of our community.
Overseeing the management, development, and stewardship of public parks and recreational facilities within our community.
Responsible for the oversight, preservation, and management of cemeteries and historical sites, ensuring that these important cultural and heritage sites are maintained with respect and dignity.
Charged with guiding the future development and spatial planning of our community, shaping the physical, economic, and social fabric of Gate City.
Overseeing matters related to municipal employees and staffing, ensuring that the organization's human resources policies and practices are fair, effective, and aligned with our civic goals
Focusing on the maintenance, development, and strategic planning of the municipality's street network and related infrastructure
Jamie Lawson
Greg Jones
Lisa Loggins
Kristie Mullins
Michele B. Brooks
Investigates issues regarding high weeds and grass, rubbish, abandoned vehicles, exterior building maintenance, code violations and more.
Constructs, maintains, preserves, and protects town infrastructure, including storm related issues, water, sewer, refuse collection and more.
Providing professional, effective, and courteous public service by working to create a safe environment and improve the quality of life for all of our citizens.
It's purpose is to treat waste water from the town and its responsibilities include construction, operation, maintenance and improvement of the sewage collection system.
Cuurent competitive offers for projects for the Town of Gate City.
Listing of current positions available within the Town of Gate City and online application.
Document center including town codes, press releases, public notices, minutes from town committee and commission meetings, agendas and more.
Pay bills online including real estate taxes, park shelter rentals, parking tickets, water/sewer and business licenses.
The latest press releases from the Town of Gate City
Alerts and notices from the Town of Gate City
Meetings and public municipal events from the Town of Gate City
156 East Jackson Street Gate City, VA 24251
Phone: (276) 386-3831
Email Address
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5 + 2 =